tonight, friday, december 1st:

>>santa monica critical mass coming at ya at 6:30 pm.
"Come to a rolling celebration of bicycles, an organized coincidence that happens every 1st Friday at the Santa Monica Pier (Ocean Ave @ Colorado Ave.) Gather at 6 PM, depart at 6:30 PM."
tomorrow, saturday, december 2nd:
>>free intro to permaculture class from 10am-4pm at the audobon center at deb's park 4700 north griffin ave., 90031.
"We are living on a planet in crisis; often individuals feel powerless to effect change but Permaculture offers positive solutions to the problems facing the world; using ecology as the basis for designing integrated systems of food production, housing, technology and community development, you can learn to create a self-sustaining environment, on a farm or in your urban backyard or apartment. The Permaculture Design Course is for anyone interested in gaining skills and perspective for sustainable living and productivity. A Permaculture Design Course is a way to share accumulated information with others. This Introduction to Permaculture Class is an outline of the science and art of Permaculture. It will define the term and its history, its founders, the curriculum of the design course certificate, its ethics and foundations. It will describe the benefits and show some of the most important work undertaken by permaculture designers. For More Information contact: David Kahn 323 667 1330 or"

"Reminescent of a colorful cabinet of curiosities, the mixed media pieces in this collection draw you into an enchanted realm where fragments are transformed into petit fables that sing the heart."
>>and don't forget the the hive gallery and studios presents "dolls, dolls, dolls show" saturday from 8pm-12:30am. the featured artist for the night is myna sonou and the featured installation artist is none other than the talented miss jesse spears...daughter of shrine, and co-creator of the making love out of trash exhibit that i posted a while back.
phew!! hope to see some of you at these events...remember to walk, bike, public transport, and carpool!
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